
Dr. Rosenberg is a Professor of Neurology with joint appointments in Cell Biology, Neuroscience and Mathematics and Statistics. He joined the faculty of Neurology in 1976, and is currently the Director of the New Mexico Alzheimer?s Disease Research Center (NM ADRC). He is the Founding Director of the UNM Center of Memory and Aging. From 1985 to 2015 he served as Chairman of Neurology, and has trained many neurologists. He graduated from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and trained there in Neurology. He studied biomedical engineering at the Technion University in Haifa, Israel. His current research is on improving diagnosis in patients with dementia by the use of biomarkers and machine learning. He is an expert in vascular cognitive impairment. He has published over 168 papers and written two books. He has been continuously funded by NIH since 1983, and is now the Principal Investigator on two large NIH grants.

О себе

I am a Clinician-Scientist with clinical training in Neurology under Dr. Robert Katzman. Throughout my career I have been involved in research of the pathobiology of neurological disorders. Early studies in animals were on the role of interstitial fluid (ISF) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). I showed that ISF moves primarily in the white matter by bulk flow rather than diffusion. This work was important for understanding the white matter injury that are involved in vascular cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID). I spent a sabbatical with Professor Michael Bradbury at King?s College in London, where I learned methods to study blood-brain barrier (BBB) physiology in rodents. My interest in the ISF and extracellular matrix (ECM), lead to the discovery of the role of matrix-metalloproteinases (MMPs) in disruption of the BBB; this work has been extensively quoted and remains a major focus of interest by many investigators. As part of the studies in the ECM, I discovered that bacterial collagenase induced an intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), leading to one of the most frequently used models of ICH. My current research is on the role of the MMPs in neuroinflammation in dementia. Those studies in rodents have been expanded into humans, and we have developed methods to measure MMPs in CSF. In addition, we adapted to humans the method to measure BBB permeability with contrast-enhanced MRI. White matter changes on MRI are important in both VCID and in Alzheimer?s disease (AD). My early interest in injury to white matter began with a patient that I reported with Binswanger?s disease (BD); this was the first BD patient diagnosed during life by CT and confirmed at autopsy. We showed that MMPs where present in the CSF of patients with VCID and that they were related to the disruption of the BBB. Recently, as part of the MarkVCID consortium, we showed that inflammatory biomarkers in the CSF, such as the MMPs could be used to separate patients with VCID from AD, and to define mixed dementia patients during life. We have a group of MRI experts, biochemists, and statisticians, and as part of VCID, we have worked closely with Charlie DeCarli?s group to identify the optimal biomarkers to use to more precisely classify dementia patients into subgroups. My role in this RFA-driven proposal will be to provide a cohort of patients that have been extensively studied and followed for multiple years with all of the biomarkers selected by MarkVCID, and to work on new methods of analysis.

Области специализации

сосудистые когнитивные нарушения и деменция
Гематологический барьер
матриксные металлопротеиназы
повреждение белого вещества
Болезнь Альцгеймера

Достижения и награды

8/2020-Present Director, New Mexico Exploratory Alzheimer?s Disease Research Center
1/2016-настоящее время Директор Центра памяти и старения Университета Нью-Мексико
2000-6 месяцев Приглашенный научный сотрудник, кафедра неврологии (невропатология), Оксфордский университет
(профессор Маргарет Эсири)
7/1998-настоящее время Профессор клеточной биологии и физиологии и неврологии
7/1996-настоящее время Профессор математики и статистики (совместно), UNM
7/1990-настоящее время Профессор физиологии (Совместное), UNM
7/1986-настоящее время Профессор неврологии, UNM, Медицинский факультет
7/1985-12/2015 Заведующий кафедрой неврологии, UNM, Медицинский факультет
7/1988-6/1996 Штатный врач, VA Hospital, Альбукерке, Нью-Мексико
6/1984-9/1984 Приглашенный научный сотрудник кафедры физиологии Королевского колледжа, Лондон, Великобритания (профессор Майкл Брэдбери)
7/1982-6/1996 Адъюнкт-профессор математики и статистики (совместно), UNM
7/1981-6/1990 Адъюнкт-профессор физиологии (совместно) УНМ
7/1981-6/1986 Адъюнкт-профессор неврологии, UNM
7/1976-6/1981 Ассистент профессора неврологии, UNM
7/1976-6/1988 Помощник начальника неврологической службы, больница штата Вирджиния, Альбукерке, Нью-Мексико.
7/1973-6/1976 Резидент по неврологии, Медицинский колледж Альберта Эйнштейна
7/1971-6/1973 Аспирантура, биомедицинская инженерия, Технион, Хайфа, Израиль
7/1971-6/1972 Резидент по неврологии, Медицинская школа Технион-Хайфа, Хайфа, Израиль
7/1969-6/1971 Главный врач, армейская база Сандия, Альбукерке, Нью-Мексико.
7/1968-6/1969 Стажер, Рочестерский университет (больница Дженеси), Рочестер, Нью-Йорк

Ключевые публикации

Rosenberg, Gary, 2016 Vascular cognitive impairment: Biomarkers in diagnosis and molecular targets in therapy. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 361, 4-5 Journal Article S nchez, K, E Rosenberg, Gary, 2022 Shared Inflammatory Pathology of Stroke and COVID-19. International journal of molecular sciences, vol. 23, Issue 9
Журнальная статья
Caprihan, A, Raja, R, Hillmer, L, J Erhardt, E, B Prestopnik, J, Thompson, J, Adair, John, Knoefel, Janice, Rosenberg, Gary, 2021 Группирование двойной дихотомии пациентов с деменцией с двойной патологией. Мозговое кровообращение - познание и поведение, том. 2, выпуск
Журнальная статья
Цзян, С, Мафис, Н, М. Биндер, Дж, Чисхолм, Д, Уэстон, Л, Дюран, В, Петерсон, К, Циммерман, А, Манделл, Майкл, Джетт, С, Д. Биджио, Е, Геула, К, Меллиос уходит в отставку, февраль 2024 г., Николаос, Вейк, Джейсон, Розенберг, Гэри, 2021 г. Протеопатический тау праймирует и активирует интерлейкин-1? через специфичный для миелоидных клеток MyD88- и NLRP3-ASC-воспалительный путь. Отчеты ячеек, том. 36, выпуск 12, 109720
Журнальная статья
Майяр, П, Лу, Х, Арфанакис, К, Голд, Б, Т Бауэр, С, Э Захариу, В, Конюшни, Л, Ван DJJ, , Янн, К, Сешадри, С, Дюринг, М, Хиллмер, Л, Дж. Розенберг, Гэри, Снусси, Х., Сепербанд, Ф., 2022 г. Инструментальная проверка свободной воды, ширины пика скелетонизированной средней диффузии и гиперинтенсивности белого вещества: наборы для нейровизуализации MarkVCID. Болезнь Альцгеймера и деменция (Амстердам, Нидерланды), том. 14, выпуск 1, e12261




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